Skrevet av: Hanne Rosenberg
Dato: 03.09.2005 19:42
Finnmarkskonferansen 2005 is in Alta on September 7 - 8. The theme of this year’s conference is: tourism and "trade through culture", with a strong focus on Finnmarksløpet. Among the speakers are twice-champion of Iditarod Robert Sørlie and Iditarod's Executive Director Stan Hooley. Finmarkløpet's Chairman, Nina Prebensen will also speak at the conference.
The fact that these central persons linked to Sled Dog Racing are going to speak at the conference was great news for the people involved in Finnmarksløpet. Sørlie, Hooley and Prebensen are speakers alongside national and international business- and tradeleaders. It carries prestige to attend the conference and it is therefore of great value to Finnmarksløpet and the sport that the theme is on the agenda.
Stan Hooley has been the Executive Director for Iditarod for many years and today the race is an athletic, cultural and economic success. The latter being the theme of his talk which is titled: "The Iditarod, a focus on the business side of The Last Great Race".
Director of Tourism in Finnmark, Jens Harald Jensen says:
- Having the internationally known Stan Hooley at the conference might help Finnmarksløpet to its correct place in the limelight. We, who are working closely with the race see its potential and its possibilities both regionally and in larger settings, he says. Jensen is also one of the speakers at the conference and a memeber of the program committee.
The Finnmark region is facing many challenges and possibilities. The fisheries and fish policy have special challenges. This has led to a stronger focus on culture and tourism. The wish is to change negative attitudes and create optimism.
By winning Finnmarksløpet and Iditarod numerous times, Robert Sørlie has shown how hard work, determination and motivation may create success. His theme is: "The want to win, motivation and endurance as basis for success". This theme may create enthusiasm which again may lead to inspiration and moivation in the future work with the regions' challenges.
Nina Prebensen is Chairman of Finnmarksløpet AS, lecturer at Finnmark college and speaker at the conference. Her topic is: "When selling culture - challenges and possibilities!" - I am looking forward to the conference and I am happy that our sport is an important theme at the confernece. Like Director of Tourism Jens Harald Jensen, I also see the importance in having Finnmarksløpet on the agenda so that trades and businesses see the extent of the race's potential, Nina says.
More information about the conference on:
Translated from norwegian by Anne-Mette Bjøru