Written by: Stefan Sanne
Date: 12.03.2005 21:34
May-Conny Johansen, mother of five, threw herself at her kids when she finished her 1000 km just before 20:00. And afterwards she was saying cheers with her champagne to Are Baker who was only some seconds behind her.
- Did you miss mummy this week, said May-Conny Johansen and gave her children a nice big hug.
A lot of people had met up to greet and cheer for the tough musher who was considered to be one of the favorites by many experts. It was not meant to be one of the top spots this year, but it is still a fantastic performance to be one of the ten best at the first 1000 km race you go.
Her husband Rune Johansen, who has won the race twice himself, had said to our news service earlier in the race that he was very happy about the performance of his wife. He thought that she was going reasonable and well.
- I am proud of what she is doing. Its about now that she should begin to go a little bit tougher. Now she will surely make it to the finish line, something that was her main goal before she started. If she will be one of the 10 best, will it be a great performance for a rookie. One thing is certain: If she gets a good result this year, she will become a dangerous competitor for most in the future, adds a proud Rune Johansen.
Now I guess all that think about participating next year have an idea of what awaits them.