Written by: Hilde Porsanger/Stefan Sanne
Date: 08.03.2005 19:37
Finally Jo Are Brennodden crossed the finish line to get rid of the rookie status. Magical powers were needed to get him to start because the young Brennodden was sick about 2 weeks before the start.
-Now I am stiff, says Jo Are while his sled was checked by the race marshalls after crossing the finish line at Strand Camping 2 days, 7 hours and 16 minutes after the start. The contents were accepted and Jo Are is finally rid of his rookie status behind his name. His goal was to be one of the 8 best. Young Brennodden managed this by coming in 7th. But the 500 km have not been without problems.
- Two of my bitches are in heat, but they are good dogs so that I chose to take them along anyways. Bitches in heat will not always run the same way as the rest of the team. They just want to flirt wth the male dogs. Tundra has been running as lead dog for 450 km, says a tired Brennodden.
- I had to change the lead dog 6 times after Jotka because the dogs were going crazy, explains the musher.
Now shall the handlers be going out and meet Brennoddens father and cheer for him until he gets to the finish line. The son will remain and take care of the dogs until the father gets into the finish.
- I was told to pull myself out of the race two weeks before because I was sick, but I went to a magician in Os in Ă˜sterdalen and it worked, says the enthusiastic musher, who was happy that he did not listen to the advice.
- The race has been an experience. The start was absolutely fantastic. I almost cried when I saw the fantastic group of supporters on the bridge at Sorrisiva. I was glad when the dogs were coming towards Jotka so that had something else on my mind, says Brennodden before taking off his shoes that look more like ice cubes than shoes. Afterwards he will try to relax - it will be Red Bull and coffee now, explains a satisfied ex-rookie and goes to his supporter group.