Written by: Per-Henrik Stenstrøm/Stefan Sanne
Date: 08.03.2005 18:58
For the first time in the history of Finnmarksløpet won a woman the 8-dog team race. Hilde Askildt (picture) reached the finish line 27 minutes ahead of woman number 2, Katy Meier from Sweden.
After 25 years it is finally a matter of fact. On the womans day, the 8th of march. Finnmarksløpet has its first female winner and her name is Hilde Askildt. She crossed the finish line in Alta at 17:26 as the winner of Finnmarksløpet 500 km. Confident and fully controlled mushing all the way was concluded of a strong finish over the last couple of miles on the vidda. The victory was never in danger.
During her winner's interview at the finish line she was very happy, but tired. She was sitting with her lead dog Rex, who is the king of her team, said the queen of this years race.
-I am very happy. The dogs have been fantastic. I am glad that it was enough to win, but I have actually not been so focussed on a raceplan and tactics. I have been going my own race. Focussed on the dogs wellbeing all the way. That it was enough to win the race is absolutely fantastic, says the winner.
The 44 year old, living in Geilo, started with mushing only 4 years ago and has had a stunning career. She partcipated in the Finnmarksløpet last year and ended in 11th place. She has also gone the Femundløpet three times. Two times 300 and one time 500. This year she came to Alta as an outsider. Many had noticed her good team last year. Asildt is simply no novice when it comes to dogs. She has been involved in the work with rescue dogs over many years.
The mother of three is educated to be a elementary school teacher and works in the norwegian barnevern (social services for children). Finnmarksløpets press group has been in touch with the institution Hilde works for and all the 10 youth she works with are extremely proud and send lots of warm greetings up north to her.
Hilde Askildt has been leading over the most part of the race. When she went out on the last stretch today, she was only leading by one minute ahead of the next musher Jan Øystein Dervo. It was a hectic start.
- It was close but I noticed that my team was going faster. That's when I grasp that we had good speed and were not out of strength. Therefore I did not stress and make a fuss. We took it calmly. But I helped the sled a lot on the way by kicking. Now I am very tired and shall go straight to bed after I have taken care of my dogs, smiles the veteran while changing.
She managed however to give a big hug to Katy Meier. The German starting for Sweden crossed the finish lie 27 after the winner. Jan Øystein Dervo came in as third.