FL500 2019
Starttidspunkt: lørdag 9. mars 13:13
Siste oppdatering: 14. mars 2019
12. februar 10:53
Status Løype Deltakere Siste sjekkpunkt Resultatliste
144. Julie Travadon Coutelier Megève, France Sluttplassering: 39

Ditt beste hundekjørerminne:
My best musher memory is the incredible determination my dogs have shown on the 2018 Femund 400 which was a particularly difficult year with successive snow storms which they just kept crossing decisively. My team of eight was made of five 18-month young ones for whom it was the first season and one 11-year-old leader! Incredible! I was super proud

Sponsorer: Royal Canin
Hyper U Saint-Maximin

Langdistanse erfaringer
Løp/ år/ plassering - inklusive alle gangene du har fullført Finnmarksløpet:

Femundløpet 400 2018 finisher (52)
Finnmarksløpet 500 2018 (DNF)

Hvorfor langdistanse / Finnmarksløpet:
I’ve started mushing doing sprint races when I was a child, participated in the key mid-distance stage races in France and Switzerland, well-known to be technical. But I was dreaming to take the strong relationship between my dogs and I a step further. Passionate about dogs and nature, and loving to test myself with new challenges, long-distance races bring it all and the Finnmarkslopet is one of the most renown in Europe, making it an obvious choice. I was lucky to participate in the Femund 400 and Finnmarksløpet 500 last year for my first long distance season. While I finished Femund 400, I had to stop 60km before the Finnmarksløpet finish line. So I just can’t wait to try it again with my amazing dogs who have gained great experience last year (for 5 of them it was their first season)
Last but definitely not least, I’ve watched my mum, over the past many years, challenge herself and her team with the toughest long distance races in the world (The Iditarod, The Femundlopet 400 and 600, The Finnamarkslopet 500 and 1000) with all the admiration and emotions that it brings and I’ve always dreamt I could be part of it! Ready for year 2 of my long distance career :)

Målsettinger og strategi for årets løp:
Go through the finish line with happy and healthy dogs

La Tribune de Genève (Switzerland)
Le Temps (Switzerland)

Mushing, Ski touring, Hiking with my dogs, Enduro Motorcycling, Muay Thai, Flying

Raphael Coutelier (husband)
Isabelle Travadon (mother & great musher :) ): she will be my handler on the race !
Philippe Travadon (father): he is a vet
David Dragesco (brother)

Land: Switzerland

Telefon: +33612638120 / +41797917445


Yrke: Management Consultant

Kennel navn: Blau Fontein

Ant. hunder: 30