FL1200 2019
Starttidspunkt: fredag 8. mars 19:00
Siste oppdatering: 16. mars 2019
27. juli 02:19
Status Løype Deltakere Siste sjekkpunkt Resultatliste
3. Erika Zopf Rovaniemi

Ditt beste hundekjørerminne:
Climbing up the last uphill in FL 500 in 2014. We had some rough weather on the way along some other challenges. So when we managed to go up that last long and steep up hill, I was more than proud of my dogs. They truly are my super heroes and my best friends who never let me down.

Sponsorer: Frozen Lake Husky

Langdistanse erfaringer
Løp/ år/ plassering - inklusive alle gangene du har fullført Finnmarksløpet:

Pasviktrail 2013
Tobacotrail 2014
Amundsen race 2014
FL 500 2014

Hvorfor langdistanse / Finnmarksløpet:
Training dogs is my passion and I'd like to see the result of our teamwork, so what would be better way than test it in longest and toughest race with the best mushers and dogs.

Målsettinger og strategi for årets løp:
I had earlier a siberian husky team, now I have an alaskan team, so it gives a new twist. My strategy is to enjoy the company of my super heroes and let my super heroes enjoy it too.

Ledere i spannet/ navn/ alder:
Speja 5y, Nekk 5y Stella 5y and Duck 5y

Land: Finland

Telefon: +35840 / 8383058

Ant. hunder: 110