FL500 2018
Starttidspunkt: lørdag 10. mars 13:19
Siste oppdatering: 15. mars 2018
24. oktober 02:02
Status Løype Deltakere Siste sjekkpunkt Resultatliste
156. Julie Travadon Coutelier Megève, France

Ditt beste hundekjørerminne:
One of the best memory I have is running through the 110kms of the Denali Highway in Alaska with a team of 16, to train our dogs for the Iditarod (that my mum ran in 2015) and reaching the Lodge being welcomed by the northern lights.Another very good memory is when my team and I were in a psychologically and physically difficult situation with a night stage of repeated loops of very steep ascents and descents on a mid-distance race, passing close to the stake-out. The team hated it, they are long-distance runners. After 3 loops, when most of the team just wanted to head towards the stake-out, my 10-year old leader looked at me basically telling me "I will do it for you" and pulled the team to keep going.

Sponsorer: Royal Canin
Hyper U Saint-Maximin

Langdistanse erfaringer
Løp/ år/ plassering - inklusive alle gangene du har fullført Finnmarksløpet:

La Grande Odyssée MID (2017)
Gausdal Maraton 200 (2018 --> to be achieved this season)
Femundlopet 400 (2018 --> to be achieved this season)

Hvorfor langdistanse / Finnmarksløpet:
I’ve started mushing doing sprint races when I was a child, more recently participated in the key mid-distance stage races in France and Switzerland, well-known to be technical, and now I want to take the strong relationship between my dogs and I a step further. Passionate about dogs and nature, and loving to test myself with new challenges, long-distance races bring it all and the Finnmarkslopet is one of the most renown in Europe, making it an obvious choice.
Last but definitely not least, I’ve watched my mum, over the past many years, challenge herself and her team with the toughest long distance races in the world (The Iditarod, The Femundlopet 400 and 600, The Finnamarkslopet 500 and 1000) with all the admiration and emotions that it brings and I’ve always dreamt I could be part of it!

La Tribune de Genève (Switzerland)
Le Temps (Switzerland)

Mushing, Ski touring, Hiking with my dogs, Enduro Motorcycling, Muay Thai

Raphael Coutelier (husband)
Isabelle Travadon (mother): we are running the race together
Philippe Travadon (father): he is a vet and is our handler for the race
David Dragesco (brother)

Land: Switzerland

Yrke: Management Consultant

Kennel navn: Blau Fontein

Ant. hunder: 30