Ditt beste hundekjørerminne:
Some of our long distance training runs both the funny moments when things don't go quite to plan, the tough ones where you learn most about yourself.
Sponsorer: Trasti og Trine
Langdistanse erfaringer
Løp/ år/ plassering - inklusive alle gangene du har fullført Finnmarksløpet:
Beaskadas15 Beaskadas16 Pasvik17 Pasvik19
Hvorfor langdistanse / Finnmarksløpet:
I'm proud to be part of Team Lyrek; and I get a real kick out of seeing young dogs perform well; so here I come with the pups.
Målsettinger og strategi for årets løp:
A positive race experience and finish for 8 young dogs
Ledere i spannet/ navn/ alder:
Not sure yet; we need to see who Hanna will take; but I love the idea of having George Cloony and Brad Pitt in my team!
My daughter Katie back in the UK and my Norwegian mentors Trine, Johnny, Hanna, Emma and Roger
Land: Norway
Yrke: Guide
Trekkhundklubb: Alta Trekhundklub ATHK
Kennel navn: Northern Lights Husky
Ant. hunder: 60