Ditt beste hundekjørerminne:
My dogs saved twice my life – its better then every movie
swissnatuarl dog food - http://www.swissnatural.ch
Vitala AG nutrition supplementation - http://www.vitalaschweiz.ch
Franziska Herzog Planung und Bauleitung - http://www.franziskaherzog.ch
Langdistanse erfaringer
Løp/ år/ plassering - inklusive alle gangene du har fullført Finnmarksløpet:
Finnmarkslopet 2007 / 2008 / 2011
Femundlopet 2005 / 2006 / 2012
La Grande Odysseé 2008 / 2009 /2010 / 2011 / 2012
Hvorfor langdistanse / Finnmarksløpet:
Long-distance is real mushing / and the Finnmarksløpet is one of the best… maybe even the best race in the world – and our family like the Norwegian people – so no question about !
Målsettinger og strategi for årets løp:
Finish in good health condition and respectable time for our young team. Learn as many as possible new words in Norwegian.
Ledere i spannet/ navn/ alder:
Elwood – male – 3 years
Coco Chanel – female – 4 years
Cleo – female – 4 years
Adresse: Ruederstrasse 42, 5040 Schöftland
Land: Switzerland
Telefon: +41 (0)62 721 41 55 / +41 (0)79 684 00 84
Hjemmeside: http://www.huskytrail.ch
Yrke: Security Agent
Trekkhundklubb: Lillehammer Brukshundklubb
Kennel navn: of Cikkas's Spirit
Ant. hunder: 18
My wife Helga, our sled-dogs and military defense dog
Dogsledding, military defense dogs, boxing, running, swimming
AZ Aargauer Zeitung - http://www.aargauerzeitung.ch - redaktion@aargauerzeitung.ch
20 Minuten - http://www.20min.ch - reto.fehr@20minuten.ch / sandro.compagno@20minuten.ch